
Showing posts from March, 2007

Hundreds Rally Against Gateway Project

An overflowing crowd packed the East Delta Community Hall to hear speakers call for a stop to the South Fraser Perimeter Road, Deltaport Expansion and the province's "Gateway Project." Organizers estimated that close to a thousand people came to at least part of the rally. The Gateway Project includes a plan to expand a long stretch of Highway One leading into Vancouver and twin the Port Mann bridge. Another part of the project, the South Fraser Perimeter Road, will destroy Burn's Bog, remove over a thousand acres of farm land and increase pollution around several schools in Delta. Although people came from West Vancouver, Lion's Bay and Vancouver, it was clear that majority of the those present were from south of the Fraser River. Proponents of the province's plan have tried to claim that there is near universal support for their project in communities south of the Fraser. A group of 17 cyclists travelled from Vancouver to the rally and cyclists also rode f...

Trucks on the Port Mann

The recent Vancouver Sun editorial ( “Gateway is important for our future economic well-being” March 22 nd ) repeated the big lie that Highway One expansion is necessary to accommodate truck traffic volumes. In actual fact only 10% of the traffic on the Port Mann bridge is truck traffic. If the other 90% of drivers were given viable public transit options there would be more than enough room for truck traffic on the existing bridge.

Protesters Outnumber Supporters at 2010 Olympic Ceremony

Protesters greatly outnumbered public supporters at Olympic flag lighting ceremony in Vancouver. In the public viewing area the chants of the protesters drowned out the speakers for most of the ceremony. People chanted “Homes not Games,” “No Olympics on Stolen Native Lands,” and “No Justice, No Peace.” Security for the event at city hall was tighter than at previous Olympic ceremonies and some commented this was an ominous indication of things to come for the city of Vancouver. Police and other security personnel ringed the entire two blocks and everyone who entered city hall grounds was supposed to be subjected to a search. Early on police turned away one person because he was wearing a bandanna. He was able to enter the grounds later. When a large group of protesters arrived at the site the police initially tried to prevent them from entering the grounds. However, the crowd moved on to a different location where they overwhelmed the police and passed the perimeter. The polic...

Update on Arrests at Betty Krawczyk's Sentencing

The two supporters of Betty Krawczyk who were arrested following her sentencing were released without a clear explanation of what they were charged with and with no date to appear in court. One of those arrested said he assumed that they would be charged with violating the court injunction that was read to them. He hopes to challenge it in court. The court order was against anyone blocking doors in the courthouse and he believe that the bailiffs were the one primarily blocking the doors. Highway activists remain defiant in spite of the sentence given to Krawczyk. The organizer behind said, “Ten months in prison, the judge said, is necessary as a "deterrent" to further action – Betty's, and ours.In spite of all the injustice surrounding her treatment, we must remember the fundamental reason why Betty is in jail now. She is there because it is fully unjust, corrupt and obscene to continue building highways through living communities, whether inhabited by...

Wilderness Protector Sentenced to 10 months – Law Courts Locked Down.

Betty Krawczyk was sentenced to 10 months in prison today for her involvement in protests against highway expansion at Eagleridge Bluffs. When observers of the proceedings attempted to ask questions about the extraordinary security measures in place, the court security responded by locking down the courts for almost two hours. Hundreds of people had shown up well before the 9 AM start time for the hearing. Many were angry that Krawczyk was being sentenced by the same judge who had recently sentenced Harriet Nahanee. Nahanee died from pneumonia which she may have picked up while in jail. Courtroom security decided to implement extraordinary security measures, checking bags, refusing entry to those with bags and even doing prolonged inspections of bicycle helmets. These security measures had not been in place for any other trail involving Eagleridge Bluff protesters. By slowing the process for people entering the courtroom, less than one third of the observers were able to get int...