
Showing posts from May, 2011

More Evidence of BC Climate Leadership Failure

Canada's latest greenhouse gas emission inventory report was quietly released this week.  The numbers are from 2009 (it takes over a year to compile the numbers and for some reason Canada seems to be about a month behind most other nations). The release came only a few days after BC's new premier Christy Clark had announced her commitment to BC's "leadership" on climate change.  So, how do the numbers reflect this "leadership"? At first glance the 2009 emissions numbers for BC look hopeful.  They are down 3.3% compared to the previous year.  But is this decrease the result of macro economic factors in 2009 or good public policy?  It appears it would be the economics - emissions actually declined for every Canadian province during 2009.   In fact, BC was the third WORST province in annual percentage change between 2008 and 2009.  Only Saskatchewan and Quebec preformed worse (To be fair to Quebec their emissions are actually below 1990 levels - BC's