Today citizens occupied a North Van MP's office asking for the government to set evidence based climate change targets. The aren't leaving until the MP meets their demands. Expecting the police to be called at 5 PM.
Anonymous is an idiot. There's lots of credible evidence for climate change. It's an accepted scientific fact.
Good for the protestors, to put their time and their bodies on the line for what is right.
Resistance is to be expected, even when we know the right thing to do, and citizens need to hold politicians accountable, especially ones funded by the very folks the needed change will hurt.
People need to get over it and do the right thing.
Way to go, Rob, if you're one of the people involved.
Morning commuters were greeted with new messages along Gateway Program construction routes this morning. The construction announcement signs had been modified to read "Farms not Freeway", "Peatland not Pavement", "Homes not Highways" and "Transit not Truck Routes." The action occurred on the last scheduled day of climate talks in Copenhagen. Government reports estimate the Gateway program will increase greenhouse gas emissions by over 160,000 tonnes per year. Independent modelling puts the figure at over 300,000 tonnes. The signs modified included promises that transportation experts have consistently questioned. Some sign promise that the project will be " Reducing Congestion." Yet, Gordon Campbell said in 2003 “You cannot build your way out of congestion”. The signs also promise that the government is "Strengthening the Economy ." The Provincial and Federal governments have provided massive investments to the Port in...
Apologists for the Gateway Program appear to be re-writing history and claiming that Translink had no plans to run transit over the Port Mann bridge. In actual fact a transit route with queue jumpers was originally planned to be implemented in 2004-2005 (see page 93 of Tanslink's South of Fraser - Area Transit Plan, Final Report - June 2000 : Later it appears this was changed to 2007 (see page A8 of Three Year (2005 - 2007) Implementation & Financial Strategy - December 2004 : ) The two maps below produced by a third party illustrate the plans outlined in the documents referenced above. The Port Mann bus route is shown in red. The 2000 Transit plan had the route stopping at central Surrey - this map extends that route. The queue jumper lanes. Update: This project is also mentioned in the "KEEPING GREATER VANCOUVER MOVING...
Vancouver's new mayor and council has reversed the previous council's decision about the burrard bridge bike lane trial. I am finding that there are still a lot of myths out there about the bike lane trial: Myth: The electorate has spoken in opposition to the bike lane trials by electing the NPA. Reality: The only poll I saw showed that 50% of the population supported the lane reallocation trial. The other 50% was divided among those that were neutral or opposed the lane reallocation. So, only a minority opposed the bike lane reallocation. And even among those that opposed it I found many were confused about basic facts and would change their mind when given all the facts. Myth: The bike land trial is only supported by a “radical bike lobby.” Reality: The bike lane reallocation plan was supported by a board coalition that included: - the mainstream cycling groups in Vancouver - transportation policy groups that advocate for public transportation - one the most famous and ...
Good for the protestors, to put their time and their bodies on the line for what is right.
Resistance is to be expected, even when we know the right thing to do, and citizens need to hold politicians accountable, especially ones funded by the very folks the needed change will hurt.
People need to get over it and do the right thing.
Way to go, Rob, if you're one of the people involved.